martedi, 26 marzo
Accidenti, sono 6
giorni che non scriviamo niente sul blog...
wow! Six day without writing in our blog... we will lose our
audience! The fact is that after coming back from Luxembourg, it has been
either crazy busy with one thing after another and not getting back to where we have an internet connection until way too late to post, or we are both working too late
and get too sleepy to write. So... we have some catching up to do! (Today we are both writing in the blog... while not exactly translations of each other, the meanings of the entries are close. Tim, if you are translating, it isn't exact!)
mercoledi, 20
Siamo finalmente
ripartiti da Lussemburgo una nevosa mattina, e dopo un lungo periplo (maccina
da casa all aeroporto, aereo da Lussemburgo a Milano malpensa, autobus dal
terminal alla stazione, treno da Milano Malpensa a Milano Centrale, Treno Alta
velocita da Milano centrale a Firenze, treno a bassa velocita da Firenze a
Pescia) siamo arrivati Miracolosamente a casa, e dico miracolosamente perche
tutti i treni e autobus sono arrivati in tempo per prendere il successivo, cosa
che in Italia e' considerato un Miracolo !!! Forse sara' l'influsso di
Francesco I.
March 20: We left Luxembourg on a snowy/rainy morning hoping it would be warmer
in Italy... not really but at least it wasn't snowing. The trip back was
LLLOOONNNGGGG ... car to plane to train to train to train... By some miracle,
even though trains were late or sluggish, we made all the connections and
arrived back in Pescia some 10 hours after leaving Luxembourg having made every planned connection. This seems a miracle for the Italian trains... Maybe the
influence of Francesco I?
(And a plug for Easy Jet [LUX-MIL] ... a super experience in every aspect of their operation and very, very reasonable. The trains actually cost us more than the plane!)
giovedi, 21 marzo
Il giorno dopo,
giovedi, dopo una lunga passeggiata per Firenze,
Thursday, March 21: After a LLLOOONNNGG walk through Florence
Kate and the duomo
nella quale
abbiamo visitato il Chiostro di san Lorenzo (la chiesa dei medici e di dani):
during which we visited the cloister of San Lorenzo (the church of the Medici and where Dani was baptized),
e la vecchia
scuola di Architettura,
and the school of architecture ... even the very room where Dani presented his thesis a few years back
siamo andati
all'apertura di una bellissima mostra di disegni di Simona Dolci,,
we went to the opening of a BEAUTIFUL show of drawings (a few with paintings that developed from them) by our friend Simona Dolci [].
Simona poses the question in her show: What is the function of drawing in our lives? And what happens when a drawing becomes a painting or a sculpture. Thoughts?
dove abbiamo
incontrato vecchie amiche che non vedevamo da molti, molti anni.
At the show we met some old friends we hadn't seen in many, many years.
Forse qualcuno di
voi ne riconoscera' una o piu di una sulla foto!!!
someone reading this will recognize someone in this photo!!!
Santa Maria Novella, on the way back to the railway station Thursday night to return to Pescia
Il venerdi (22marzo)
siamo restati a Pescia dato che c'e'stato uno SCIOPERO (parola da imparare
subito quando si e' in Italia) dei trasporti, abbiamo approfittato per
riposare, pulire, lavare ecc ecc.
March 22: we stayed home and worked, cleaned, cooked etc in Pescia due to a
"sciopero" of the transport system. This is an Italian word you learn
very quickly here since it is so common, especially on a Friday or a Monday.
The official train site even has a page that tells you how you can plan alternative transportation when
there is a "sciopero." Any guesses what a "sciopero" is??
Il sabato il
Museo della Specola, dove Dani ha l'esposizione aveva deciso di fare una notte
"notte bianca", ossia una notte dove dalle 8 pm a mezzanotte era
aperto, inclludendo tutte le arre del museo stesso che normalmente sono chiuse
e che si possono visitare solo per appuntamento...
Saturday, March 23: The Specola Museum where Dani has his show decided to do a "white night" ... they were open from 8Pm to midnight, including areas of the museum that are normally closed and can only be visited by appointment...
From the rarely accessed tower
the final stairs from the observatory to the top of the lantern
Florence from the observatory
"Specola" means literally "observatory, which was its original purpose. Built in 1790, it is currently a museum (part of the Pitti Palace museum system and the oldest science museum in Europe),
botanic garden, and active research institution that is part of the University of Florence. Its has collections in the fields of anthropology,
ethnology, botany, geology, paleontology, mineralogy lithology, and...
zoology... hence the invitation to Dani to show his tropical birds, reptiles, fishes and
frogs (and one gorilla).
...ingresso libero e
offerta libera all'entrata, a beneficio del "Città dell Scienza" di
napoli, che un mese fa e' stato incendiato dalla "camorra" la mafia
locale, per vendicarsi delle operazioni che il governo sta effettuando
abbastanza efficacemente contro la
malavita di quella zona (sono cose che, se non si e' italiani, non si possono
credere, ma ricordate che ci sono dei precendenti: il 27 maggio del 1993 la
mafia ha messo una bomba sotto la galleria degli Uffizi a Firenze, danni al
museo e 4 morti tra cui una bambina piccola).
Everyone in Florence knows of this museum. Just about every school child in the surroundings visits at least once on a school trip. Entry to the museum last Saturday night was free and there were boxes for voluntary donations to benefit the Science Museum of Naples that was burned a month or so ago to take revenge against the local government by the"camorra," the local mafia (Italians will remember precedents, such as the bombing of the Uffizi on 27 May 1993 that seriously damaged the museum and killed four people, one of them a little girl.)
Da un calcolo
approssimativo iniziale sono passate dal museo quella sera piu di 2000 persone,
quindi piu di 2000 persone hanno anche visto la mostra di Dani !!!
It was estimated that over 2,000 people passed through the museum, and so, through Dani's show which is in a corridor right in the middle between two wings and unavoidable on any route through the museum!
ostriches and more in the rarely seen hall of skeletons
(the Bach organ prelude and fugue that was playing when I went in was exactly the background music to raise the hair on the back of your neck!)
Quella notte
abbiamo approfittato dell'accoglienza di emily e maurizio che ci hanno invitato
a dormire a casa loro a Villa Ambron a bellosguardo,sopra a dove Kate ed io
abbiamo abitato gli ultimi due anni a Firenze: la casa con la miglior vista
della citta'....
We left the museum after midnight to walk up to our old house, Bellosguardo, where our wonderful friends and ex-neighbors Emily, Maurizio and Jacopo very generously welcomed us into their home in Villa Ambron, at Bellosguardo, two floors above where Dani and I lived in our final two years in Florence: some of you may recognize the best views of the city... (and the donkey on Sunday morning did not disappoint!)
e' stata un
esperienza unica risvegliarsi la mattina in quel magico posto
What an experience to wake up on Sunday
morning, again in that magic place!
know this only brings us up to Sunday and today is Tuesday, but it is once again after midnight. Charlie (and Tricia), I don't know how you do it every night! Anyway, the past two days have basically been work, work and work, rain and work. We are ready for
the next adventure! Tomorrow back to Florence to visit friends.
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