Today is the day... international women's day!
And the mimosa is in bloom everywhere. To me, it has always announced spring. To all of the women reading this, we offer you this virtual sprig:
Here also the lizards announce spring. And we just happen to have one. He is, at this moment, patiently awaiting visitors in La Specola:
And the show is ready to go in a little more than six hours! It took five of us five hours on Wednesday, plus a few more yesterday, and the show is ready! Here are a few images from the setup:
More images this weekend!
In boca al lupo dani!
Voglio ringraziare il Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze
sezione di Zoologia "La Specola", e particolarmente la Dssa. Claudia
Corti per avermi dato la possibilità di presentare il mio lavoro in questa Sede.
Ringrazio anche Raffaele "Capitano" Disperati, per
la sua creatività, collaborazione e pazienza.
Inoltre ringrazio Laura Disperati, Guglielmo e Giovanna
Ercolini, Francesco Ercolini, Nia Raffaele, Gilberto Marchetti, Mariuska Rivas
ed in particolar modo mia moglie Katherine, senza il cui aiuto ed appoggio, mi sarebbe stato impossibile portare a termine
questo progetto.
Firenze, 8 marzo 2013 translation:
I would like to thank the Museum of Natural History, section of Zoology "La Specola," and in particular Dr Claudia Corti for offering me the possibility to present my work here.
I also thank Raffaele "Capitano" Disperati for his creativity, collaboration and patience.
Furthermore, I thank Laura Disperati, Guglielmo and Giovana Ercolini, Francesco Ercolini, Nia Raffaele, Gilberto Marchetti, Mariuska Rivas and, in particular, my wife Katherine. Without their help, it would have been impossible for me to make this show happen.
Firenze, 8 March 2013
Best wishes on the show from Charlie and Tricia! Can't wait to hear more!